Anand Srivastava

Anand Srivastava did his M.Tech. and Ph.D. from IIT Delhi. Before joining IIIT Delhi, I was Dean & Professor in School of Computing and Electrical Engineering at Indian Institute of Technology Mandi, HP, India and also Adjunct Professor at IIT Delhi. Prior to this, I was with Alcatel-Lucent-Bell Labs, India as solution architect for access and core networks. Before joining Alcatel Lucent, I had a long stint (∼ 20 years) with Center for Development of Telematics (CDOT), a telecom research center of Govt. of India where I was Director and member of CDOT Board. During my stay in CDOT, I provided technical leadership and motivation to extremely qualified team of about 150+ engineers engaged in the development of national level projects in the areas of Telecom Security Systems, Network Management System, Intelligent Networks, Operations Support Systems, Access Networks (GPON) and Optical Technology based products. Majority of these projects were completed successfully and commercially deployed in the public network. I also carried out significant research work in the Photonics Research Lab, Nice, France, under the Indo-French Science & Technology Cooperation Program on “Special optical fibers and fiber based components for optical communications” during 2007-2010. I was also closely involved with ITU-T, Geneva in Study Group 15 and represented India for various optical networking standards meetings. My research work is in the area of optical core & access networks, Fiber-Wireless (FiWi) architectures, optical signal processing, free space optical communications and energy aware optical networks.
Phone: 011-26907400