Pushpendra Singh

Pushpendra Singh is a Professor at Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology (IIITD), New Delhi. He completed his Ph.D. in 2004 from Inria-Rennes, France in the area of mobile computing. He worked at Portsmouth University, Newcastle University, and Inria-Rocquencourt before IIITD. His primary research interest areas are mobile systems and applications, middleware, and ICT for Development. His work has been successfully transferred to Industry in the past leading to creation of start-ups and new products. His research is funded by DEiTY, ITRA, DST, DRDO, CEFIPRA etc. His work has been deployed in the field for various projects including in projects related to national schemes such as NRHM (National Rural Health Mission) and NREGS (National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme). Pushpendra Singh has also been appointed Nodal Officer by Govt. of NCT, Delhi for running 181-Women-in-distress helpline. All the software for the helpline has been developed by the team of Pushpendra.
Phone: 011-26907458
Email: psingh@iiitd.ac.in
Website: https://pushpendrasingh.me/
Office: A-411 (R&D Block)